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Writing retreats, workshops, classes and funding

Discover a range of writing and poetry retreats, workshops, classes and funding opportunities forwriters based in Scotland.

Sometimes we need a helping hand with our writing, be it a structured writing retreat or financial assistance. Here you can find information about programmes and one-off classes for professionals and novices alike.

We curate this list but don't run the opportunities listed. This is not a complete list of all the retreats, workshops and classes in Scotland. You can also find a variety of online writing workshops(this link will open in a new window) for fiction, non-fiction, poetry and more.

You might also want to look into our support programmes for writers; the New Writers Award and Ignite Fellowship.

Writing retreats and residencies in Scotland

Regular retreats/residencies

Cove Park - Argyll and Bute

Writers' HQ - Edinburgh and Glasgow - monthly

Angela Locke - Iona

Moniack Mhor Creative Writing Centre - Highlands

Liminal Residency - rolling deadline

WordPath Scotland

Write South West Scotland

Dalnaglar - near Blairgowrie

Blackhouse Forest Estate

Kalewater Cottage Creative Retreat

One off writing retreats and workshops

Victoria Mackenzie - online masterclass

Dy Bennod Nesaf – Your Next Chapter

The Novel Writing Course 2024 - Janis Mackay

WordPath 2024

Writing workshops and classes

Regular events

Writing Groups across Scotland

Third Thursday Writers - Edinburgh - monthly

Fundamental Conduit - Paisley - fortnightly

Scottish BPOC Writers Network

Beyond Form

thi wurd

Kelso Writers' Workshop

Other events

page one mentoring scheme - Johnson & Alcock

Funding opportunities for writers in Scotland

Ongoing funding

Creative Scotland

The Gaelic Books Council commission grants

Scottish Books International: travel fund

Society of Authors: Grants

Royal Literary Fund


Poet's Hardship Fund

The Touring Network