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Scots Language Publication Grant Awardees 2022
The Scots Language Publication Grant supports Scots publishers and encourages Scots writers

We are delighted to announce the new titles to be supported by the Scots Language Publication Grant. The Scots Language Publication Grant provides assistance for publishing new work (including translated texts), reprinting existing historical or culturally significant work, and also effective marketing and promotion of existing and new work.
Animal Fairm – Luath Press
By George Orwell, edited by Thomas Clark
This will be the first translation into Scots of Animal Farm or any other book by George Orwell.
Animal Farm in Scots will fit well with Luath Press' recent Animal Farm in Gaelic, translated by Angus Peter Campbell, and with the recently published novel Barnhill, based primarily on Orwell's time on the Isle of Jura writing Nineteen Eighty-Four. It was the income from sales of Animal Farm that enabled him to escape post-war London to write one of the most significant political novels of the 20th or any century.Originally published as Animal Farm: A Fairy Story in 1945, this is a novel that appeals to both children and adults. It will be particularly suitable for Scots learners whether or not they are familiar with the book in English.
'We are very confident that Thomas Clark will create a superb rendering of the book in Scots, and that Orwell himself would have approved given his comments on Scottish linguistic culture.' – Luath Press
Birds and Beasties: Scots Poems for Bairns (working title) – Itchy Coo / Black & White Publishing Ltd
By J.K. Annand, edited by Matthew Fitt and James Robertson
First published in three slim volumes in the 1960s and 1970s, J.K. Annand's bairn rhymes have been well-loved for generations. They are written in a classical but colloquial Scots that is easily accessible and thoroughly entertaining. The rights to J.K. Annand's work are held by Dictionaries of the Scots Language, and Itchy Coo will be working with DSL to produce a new selection of his bairn rhymes, with a contemporary design and new illustrations to accompany the text.
'We're delighted to be able to publish a brand new edition of JK Annand's brilliant poems in Scots, made possible thanks to the invaluable support of a Scots Publication Grant. It’s a book that will entertain, educate and delight Scots readers.' – Itchy Coo
'Itchy Coo's philosophy and purpose is biggit on the work done by great Scots makars in the past, J.K. (James King) Annand amang them. He wis an editor, translator and poet, and it’s braw tae be bringin his bairn rhymes back into prent as pairt o the Itchy Coo leet.' – Matthew Fitt and James Robertson
Cedric the Flapper Skate – Doric Books CIC
By Jackie Ross
Cedric the Flapper Skate is a picture book which tells the life story of a particular flapper skate and shares factual information about this critically endangered species. The idea for the book evolved from a discussion with a member of staff from Macduff Marine Aquarium who attended one of Jackie’s storytelling sessions. The book will be written entirely in North-East Scots, with a glossary. An audio recording of the book and an English translation will be available on Doric Books CIC website to assist those who are not fluent Doric speakers to engage more meaningfully with the text.
'Doric Books are fair trickit tae get iss grant tae help us publish Cedric – we wint aabody tae learn mair aboot flapper skates an think aboot foo we can luik efter aa e craturs in oor Scottish seas.' – Doric Books
'I canna wyte tae hae Cedric's story in print sae fowk can read aboot him an houpfully wint tae fin oot mair aboot foo tae help aa e endangered species richt here in Scotland.' – Jackie Ross
Da Hametrowe Almanac Vol. 1: Voar – Gaada
By Roseanne Watt and Marjolein Robertson
Da Hametrowe Almanac is a series of four publications that bring together a compendium of Shetland's natural lore, wisdom, legends and calendar customs. The first volume is titled 'Voar', the Shaetlan word for spring and the work pertaining to this time. 'Voar' delves into the crofting heritage of Shetland, with a thematic focus on earth, memory and renewal.
'Gaada is incredibly excited to have the opportunity to work with two very talented writers of contemporary Shaetlan and develop this community beach-comb of experimental writing in Shetland dialect.' – Daniel Clark, Gaada
'It's been a lang-spak dream o wirs tae hae aa dese frøtts an lerdom browt tagidder in a new book. Joost dat blyde an grateful tae Scottish Book Trust an Gaada fir dir support; we canna wait tae git started wi it.' – Roseanne Watt
'To write this in our mother tongue allows for the descriptions, names and stories to come across in their truth and hopefully encourage the continued use of dialect in our home.' – Marjolein Robertson
Liberties – Rymour Books
By Peter Bennett
Liberties is a new novel by an up-and-coming writer from Glasgow written in Glaswegian Scots. Peter Bennett is committed to representing authentic working-class characters from his own area of the city, Shettleston in Glasgow's east end. The novel tackles the themes of poverty, addiction and crime.
'Rymour Books is committed to publishing works in the various local dialects of the Scots language. Liberties is a welcome addition to our list.' – Rymour Books
'When I began writing Liberties, I was determined to write using working-class voices. The Glaswegian demotic had to have a central role. The Scots Language Publication Grant helps developing writers like me and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity.' – Peter Bennett
Mum and William Wordsworth – Julie Kennedy
By Julie Kennedy
Mum and William Wordsworth is written in, mainly, Lanarkshire dialect. The book is about loss of a parent in a large working-class family. Themes of the novel are family and sibling relationships, being a young carer, and homelessness. The novel includes how friendship and community, along with imagination and creativity, can help bereaved young people. The book does not shy away from hardships and is not sentimental, but is grounded in an attempt to be honest about bereavement from the point of view of a young teenager. It longlisted for the MsLexia First Novel prize in 2013.
'I am delighted. This funding validates the trust I put in the rich Scots dialect I was surrounded by as a child and teenager. As a result of this funding, I will be able to publish and market the novel as an e book, with the aim of reaching a wider audience.' – Julie Kennedy
Sangs That Sing Sae Sweit – 50 Years o Lallans Poetry – The Scots Language Society
Edited by William Hershaw, Elaine Morton and Derrick McClure
An anthology of Scots Language poetry taken from 100 issues and five decades of Lallans magazine, 1973–2022. The anthology includes a range of work by some of the greatest Scots Language screivers from Hugh MacDiarmid to the present generation of new Scots makars. Sangs That Swing Sweit is a celebration and affirmation of the continued relevance and vibrance of the Scots Language to express our folk, landscape, history and culture in memorable poetry.
'The Scots Language Society are grateful for the support received to publish what will be a cultural milestone. Sangs That Sing Sae Sweit recognises and celebrates the work of many great Scottish makars but also affirms the health of the Scots leid as we look forward to the next 50 years.' – William Hershaw, current Editor, Lallans
The Ballads and Songs of Carrick – Girvan Traditional Folk Festival
By Rev. Roderick Lawson (1831–1907), edited by Neil McDermott
The Girvan Traditional Folk Festival is republishing a short run of the historical songbook The Ballads and Songs of Carrick in partnership with Taigh na Teud music publishers and the School of Culture & Creative Arts at the University of Glasgow. The launch of the republished work will coincide with the 2023 Girvan Traditional Folk Festival and will incorporate performances of the songs contained in the book by local music groups and musicians in collaboration with professional artists appearing at the Festival.
'Girvan Traditional Folk Festival is hugely grateful to Scottish Book Trust and the Scots Language Publication Grant for their generous support which will allow us to republish The Ballads and Songs of Carrick. The songs and stories contained in the book will form the centrepiece of our 2023 Festival’s Songs of Ayrshire theme.' – Girvan Traditional Folk Festival
The King o' the Cats – Paul Tonner
By Paul Tonner, translated by Dr Michael Dempster
The King o' the Cats is an illustrated retelling of a classic, but slightly forgotten, folk tale by self-publishing comic book creator, Paul Tonner. It is a darkly humorous tale featuring magical talking cats and spooky graveyards, and Paul hopes that his rework of the original material will be enjoyed by all ages. His artwork is inspired by the old masters of fairytale art,and he is looking forward to collaborating with Scots language expert, Dr Michael Dempster, on the Scots translation.
'Huge thanks to Scottish Book Trust and the panel for supporting this project. I'm really looking forward to bringing my love of traditional folktales and illustration together with Michael's passion for the Mither Tongue to new audiences in fresh and exciting ways. Hopefully this is just the first of many collaborations!' - Paul Tonner
'A'm that chuffed fir us tae get gien a Scots Language Publication Grant this year allooin Paul an masel for tae bring oor original Scots comic tae readers this year. Scots in comics, an Scots makkin comics, haes a tradition gaun back tae the stert o the medium an A'm aye gled for tae add tae that tradition.' - Dr Michael Dempster
About the Scots Language Publication Grant
The Scots Language Publication Grant is administrated by The Scots Language Resource Network, which meets twice a year to discuss the coordination and publication of new and existing resources (online and in print) that support speakers, readers, writers, teachers, learners and students of Scots. It currently includes representatives from the following organisations: ASLS
- Creative Scotland
- Dictionaries of the Scottish Language
- Education Scotland
- Glasgow Women's Library
- Hands up for Trad
- Historic Environment Scotland
- Literature Alliance Scotland
- National Library of Scotland
- Oor Vyce
- Publishing Scotland
- Scots Hoose
- Scots Language Centre
- Scots Language Society/Scots Leid Associe
- Scots Radio
- Scottish Book Trust
- Scottish Government
- Scottish Poetry Library
- Ulster Scots Agency
- University of Glasgow
- Wigtown Book Festival
The publication grant is funded by the Scottish Government and administered by Scottish Book Trust.