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So you published a book. What now?

A quick guide to a few practical moves for anyone who has published a book in Scotland, from registering for PLR to joining the Live Literature Directory.

Last updated: 03 March 2025

It can take so much energy to publish a book that you may find that once it’s actually out in the world, all you want to do is curl up on the sofa with some snacks and a big stack of novels someone else had to write. And that’s just how it should be. However, when you’re ready to emerge, there are a few practical things that it’s well worth adding to your to-do list once you have a book out in the world. 

Register for PLR 

If you’re based in Britain and your books are available to borrow in public libraries, you can register for the UK PLR scheme. PLR (Public Lending Rights) give published authors, illustrators, editors, translators and audiobook narrators the chance to earn money for every book of theirs that’s withdrawn from the library.

While the renumeration per borrow is pretty low, it can really add up and could earn up to £6600 through the scheme. Registering is very easy and you can do it online through the British Library website(this link will open in a new window).

Join the Live Literature Author Directory

Enjoy taking part in author events, running workshops, visiting schools and getting paid for it? Are you a professional author who is based in Scotland? Then we highly recommend joining the Live Literature Author Directory. This directory offers organisations of all kinds a place to look for writers, illustrators and creators who’re keen to take part in author visits through the Live Literature programme.

The directory showcases professional authors and you can find out more about the eligibility criteria and application process in our guide to joining the Live Literature Author Directory. You may also be interested in our advice on author fees, which includes some information about being paid for your time when you’re booking events outwith the Live Literature programme. 

Get a handle on your taxes

Generally (although certainly and sadly not always!), having a book published will also mean that you’re paid for your work. And whether you’re employed full-time or you work as a freelancer, this income will need to be declared to the HMRC. This means that, you’ll probably need to fill out a Self Assessment Tax Return and declare yourself as a Sole Trader (whether you have another job or not) if you pay tax in the UK.  

While freelancers may be very used to this, many writers will find they have to do this for the first time. Luckily, the process isn’t as complicated as it sounds and you’ll find lots of useful information in The Illustrated Freelancer's Guide(this link will open in a new window) from Creative Scotland, written by Heather Parry and illustrated by Maria Stoian.

Consider joining ALCS

You don't need to have published a book to join the Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) but if you haven't done it already, post-publication is a good time to add it to your list. ALCS collects royalities on UK works that have been published around the world and pays them to you. This includes print articles, stories in anthologies and a lot more.

There's a one off £36 fee for becoming a member (and once you're a member, you're a member for life). They're a not-for-profit organisation and you'll be charged a comission on your royalities, which are paid out twice a uear. Find out more about joining ALCS(this link will open in a new window).

Connect with other writers

A great idea at every stage of your writing career, connecting with other writers offers you the chance to learn about all the ins and outs of the publishing journey. Not only does sharing with your contemporaries mean that you can pool insights, but it can provide some real support from people who understand.

Not sure where to start? Check out this advice on building a writing community from author Jeda Pearl and don’t be shy about reaching out to other writers at events or networking opportunities – many will be just as happy to connect.