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Joining the Author Directory: Information for Writers

Authors registered on the Author Directory should have an interest in delivering Live Literature events and being contacted by event organisers, which can include schools. Authors can select only to work with children and young people or adults, depending on what's most appropriate for your events.

The Live Literature directory lists creative professionals such as writers, poets, performance poets, playwrights, storytellers, illustrators, cartoonists, screenwriters and graphic novelists. The directory provides space for creative professionals to share information about your work, skills and experience so that organisations can book you for events.

Processing applications can take some time, especially during Live Literature's busiest times (around funding application deadlines, Book Week Scotland and the end of the financial year). We'll be in touch as quickly as we can.

Applications which partially meet the criteria listed below or from self-published authors will be considered at an Author Directory panel which meets twice a year. Authors taken to panel will hear the result of their application as soon as possible. This may take several weeks during busy periods, or in cases where a sample of work needs to be assessed in full.

If your profile is missing

We make extensive efforts to contact everyone listed on the directory when updating our code of conduct using the contact information we have available. If you previously had a profile on the directory, and you are no longer listed, please get in touch by emailing as soon as possible. 

You can also find out more about searching the author directory.

How to apply

Please send the following to [email protected](this link will open in a new window):

We may need to consider your application in more detail, for instance if you are self-published or don't clearly meet the criteria for your chosen discipline. In these cases your application will be assessed at a panel which meets twice a year. We may ask you to send in a sample of your work, or ask to see a copy of your publishing contract if you have one. Scottish Book Trust has the right to turn down any applicant based on quality of work.

Application criteria

All applicants must meet the general criteria below, as well as the relevant criteria for your chosen creative area.

Application details for each creative discipline

Traditionally published writers (including poets)


Performance poets


Writers (including poets) who have been widely published in literary magazines, journals or anthologies

Writers working in film, television and audio

Illustrators, cartoonists and graphic novelists

Self-published writers (including poets)

Author Directory panel

The Author Directory panel meet twice a year to consider:

There are three possible outcomes for an application taken to panel:

In each case you’ll be contacted to confirm the next steps.

The panel cannot provide individual feedback on applications, or the piece of work submitted for consideration.

The panel's decision is final. If unsuccessful, you cannot re-submit the same piece of work in another application. You can submit new work or work that has been significantly altered. You can only submit under the self-published category three times but you can apply under a different category if you become eligible in another way.

Feedback on the criteria and complaints procedure

We aim to review this criteria each year to ensure that it accurately reflects professional work across creative disciplines. This includes feedback from authors and relevant organisations. If you have feedback or suggestions, please email [email protected](this link will open in a new window)

Scottish Book Trust and the panel's decisions on applications are final. If you would like to send feedback about the criteria, please email as above. If you have any complaints about the application process, please follow our complaints procedure.

Additional considerations

Please be aware: