Looking for more in Writing and Authors or Live Literature?

How to use the Live Literature Author Directory

Find authors by using the Live Literature Author Directory, a database of creative practitioners who are available for projects, visits and writing events.

Whether you’re planning an online writing workshop, a visit from an illustrator or an author event, the directory is a great place to find authors working in Scotland. 

Who you'll find on the author directory

On the author directory, you’ll find authors who work professionally as writers, illustrators, comics creators, storytellers and more. Creative practitioners who are on the Live Literature Author Directory:

Events funded by Live Literature can only be carried out by authors listed on this directory. This is not a complete list of authors living and working in Scotland; authors working professionally may choose not to be on the directory. 

Visit the Author Directory

The Live Literature Author Directory: events, safeguarding and PVG

When organising a Live Literature event, especially one that may have children or protected adults in the audience, it’s important that you consider your duties with regards to the PVG Scheme. Scottish Book Trust cannot PVG check authors for most events. It is the responsibility of the person organising the event to carry out the appropriate Disclosure Checks. You can find out more on our PVG and Live Literature for organisers page

You may also find our page on our child protection policy and our tips for considering child protection and safeguarding useful when planning your event.  

How to use the author directory

If you're looking for authors who have specific skills, experience or creative work around particular subjects, visit the author directory and use the filters at the top of the page to find the right author for your event. The information used in these filters has been provided by the authors themselves.

Filters can be used individually or in combination, depending on what's most important to you. For example, if you’re looking for crime writers in Scotland to run workshops, you can filter by “crime fiction” and “workshop”. Likewise, if you’re looking for writers in Aberdeen or Edinburgh poets, you can select the appropriate place in the local authority filter.

If you already know the name of the author you’d like to work with, you can search for them using the space provided. You can also browse a wide range of author pages to find inspiration and ideas. On their pages, you’ll be able to find out a little more about their work. Many authors also provide links to their work or their own author websites for you to explore.

If you can't find the right author for your event, or you have any questions about the directory, please get in touch with [email protected](this link will open in a new window). We'll do our very best to help.

Using the directory: information for authors