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Apply for funding to run a Book Week Scotland event: Emerging programmers

The 2025 emerging programmers fund is now open for applications

Have you always fancied putting on a book event, but haven't given it a shot yet? Perhaps this year's Book Week Scotland (17–23 November) is your chance.

Does the theme for 2025, Friendship, catch your attention? Are you a group, charity or organisation with a bright should-be event programmer? Maybe you've organised an event before, and would like your next one to focus on reading and writing. Are you a book lover who wants to make a leap from page to stage?

If so, it sounds like you'd be a brilliant Book Week Scotland emerging programmer!

Please note: If you are an organisation and do not feel you need the additional support provided to an emerging programmer, you can still apply to our Book Week Scotland 2025 fund.

What is the emerging programmers fund?

The emerging programmers fund is an initiative by Scottish Book Trust to support blossoming event programmers this Book Week Scotland. As an emerging programmer you'll receive:

We are asking all prospective emerging programmers to apply with a host organisation who will support your Book Week Scotland event.

Events for Book Week Scotland 2025 can either be digital, hybrid or in-person. We want you to think of bold, unique events that get your audiences excited about books and reading. We believe books have the power to transform lives at every level and would love to see that reflected in your application.

Deadline for applications: Wednesday 11 June 2025

How to apply

Download our guide to apply and application forms below for information on how to prepare and submit your application.

(this link will open in a new window)Apply now