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Bookbug Session Plans: Nursery to Primary 1 transition

We have created a Bookbug Session based on the transition from nursery into Primary 1, with carefully selected songs, rhymes and a picture book focusing on the health and wellbeing of children and adapting to change and routine.
The session plan makes reference to the Curriculum for Excellence, including experiences and outcomes to help early years staff use the songs, rhymes and story in your setting, plan transitional activities and prompt conversations with the children and their families.
You can find more about transition in our article about using Bookbug Sessions to support nursery to Primary 1 transition(this link will open in a new window).
Introduction song
Familiar start – lets everyone know a Bookbug session has started.
Smile and use names if you know them.
Familiar song
Lots of opportunities for movement and participation, crouching, swaying, jumping. Incorporates numeracy skills and counting down (5, 4, 3, 2, 1).
Curriculum for Excellence references
HWB 0-07a, MNU 0-03a
Use finger play to help children count down from five. Build up anticipation before blasting off. This song can also be linked to the children about to embark on a new journey of their own.
Familiar rhyme
Finger play opportunities, moving fingers independently of one another, great for developing fine manipulative skills.
Curriculum for Excellence references
HWB 0-21a, HWB 0-29a
Build up anticipation and pause before the pod goes pop to support attention and listening skills. This rhyme is a great way to spark discussions around lunch time routines in school.
Song with actions
Building on social skills and confidence, encouraging the children to interact with each other.
Curriculum for Excellence references
EXA 0-12a, HWB 0-044a, HWB 0-045b
Encourage the children to gallop around the room and say hello to each other when they stop. Introduce days of the week, or weather into the song: 'Stop a moment just to say. . . How do you do this Wednesday. . . This sunny day', etc.).
Active rhyme
Pirate, Pirate, Dressed in Blue
Encourages the children to follow instructions, supports listening skills and language development.
Use your voice and body together to emphasise the words and their meaning. For 'Stand to attention!' you may want to say this fast and stiffen your body. For 'Stand at ease!' you can extend the word and relax your body. This rhyme can be used to support conversations around uniforms.
Transition song
I Wonder What's in my Bag Today?
Builds anticipation and keeps the children's attention.
Sign the key words if you know them. Sing to the tune of 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush': 'I wonder what's in my bag today, bag today, bag today. I wonder what's in my bag today, come and take a look. . . at Bookbug's favourite book!'
Never Take a Bear to School by Britta Teckentrup and Mark Sperring
Through gentle humour, this book touches on the worries that children might feel moving on to school and highlights all the fun things that can happen during their school day. The bear character in the book can represent a 'comforter' a child may have and rely on, but can also represent the caregiver without drawing on stereotypes or traditional family structures.
Curriculum for Excellence references
HWB 0-01a, HWB 0-07a, LIT 0-01b, LIT 0-11b
Read the book aloud before your session. Remember to think about how you use your voice and face to add excitement, anticipation and joy. Give the children opportunities to join in through illustration observations and effective questioning.
Active song
A great song to develop fine motor skills, moving fingers independently.
Curriculum for Excellence references
HWB 0-21a, HWB 0-22a, HWB 0-045b
Opens up opportunities for the children to go into pairs and do finger play together, helping to build up social skills and friendships.
Lullaby/calming song
Calming song to help wind down the session. Focus on colours.
Curriculum for Excellence references
EXA 0–04a
Using Makaton with this song can help make your session more inclusive, and enhance communication and language skills.
Final song
Tells everyone the session is coming to an end.
Smile, wave and use the children's names again.