Looking for more in Our research?

Research at Scottish Book Trust

Our aim is to empower everyone in Scotland to reach their true potential through reading and writing. Find out about our current research projects, and how we use research to improve our work as a charity

Person writing notes on research document showings graphs, infographics and statistics

Research is at the heart of our work at Scottish Book Trust. Whether it's understanding the impact of book gifting on children and families, investigating why drop-off in reading motivation happens in our teenage years, or learning how books and reading can help people living with dementia. Research drives our programmes, informs new ideas and helps us to evaluate and improve our existing work.

The work of our Research and Evaluation team includes:

Current research projects

Discover the research projects we're currently working on.

The impact of Scotland's libraries

Readers of Scotland

Previous projects

Find out more and read reports on our previous research projects.

Reading in Scotland: reading over lockdown

Growing up a reader

Women of Words: gender equality in contemporary Scottish writing and publishing

The impact of book gifting in Scotland

Raising the profile of authors of colour in the classroom

Reading in Scotland: my life as a reader

The Young People's Reading Project

Love to Read

Reading and Wellbeing

Neurodiversity and narrative fiction


We are currently members of the following networks.

LALco network


The Research and Evaluation team

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