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Scotland's Stories writing prompt: Everyday adventure
A writing prompt inspired by our Scotland's Stories: Adventure campaign.

You can also access this prompt in Gaelic.
When it comes to adventure, we don't always need to scale a mountain peak or start out on a completely new path. Sometimes, it's the quiet, everyday adventures we take – often without realising – that give us the most joy. From taking a new route to work or switching to a new biscuit with our afternoon brew, no adventure is too small!
People think in such grand terms ― unconditional love, changing the world, doing the impossible. They fail to see the joy, the immense bliss, which lies in simple everyday acts.
Look around the room you are in. On a sheet of paper make three columns. In the first column, make a list of some objects you use frequently or every day.
From your favourite mug, a cosy pair of socks or the armchair chair you spend half an hour reading in every afternoon. It could be anything, even something you don't think of as particularly interesting.
Focus on your list. In the two remaining columns write down what these objects make you think of and why they matter?
If you're struggling to think of objects, feel free to focus on other aspects of your daily/weekly life. Your commute to work or the places you seek out to unwind: a favourite coffee shop, garden or an activity you look forward to.
Look over your list again and think about each object or activity carefully. Clear your mind, close your eyes and focus on your senses. What do you hear? What do you see? What do you smell? Spend 2–3 minutes writing continuously.
Don't worry about it having any kind of structure or making sense. Just keep that pen moving! Repeat the exercise for each object or activity.
Get writing
Now it's time to flesh out your ideas.
Look back over the free writing passages you've just created. What images, lines or colours stick out? Try and weave your favourite bits into your story as you go.
Is there a friend or loved one that you associate with the activity or object? Think about your relationship with them and how it informs the relationship you have with the object.
Work out how you'd like to frame your story. You could heighten the immediacy by writing in the present tense. Or, if you'd prefer your piece to feel more reflective, you can write in the past tense.
And if you get stuck, try free writing for a couple of minutes again. You never know what your subconscious will uncover!